6 Reasons you should use a Specialist Construction Supplies Recruiter
Great businesses are built around great people. Our mission is to match the best available talent to vacancies within the construction sector supply chain. We offer employment opportunities within a broad spectrum of positions within the Construction Supplies sector. Specialise in recruiting Executive, C-Level positions down to entry level roles and apprenticeships.
Moving jobs is a big decision and we are here to help you through that process. Available any time of day to assist and inform. We will be with you every step of the way.
Full of industry insight and knowledge
At GCS Associates, we specialise in matching Construction Supply professionals with their perfect role. When you use a specialist recruiter, like us, you gain access to a wealth of industry knowledge and insight. We spend every day helping candidates like you find their next role, so we understand the skills the market is looking for, how pay scales in the industry are moving and the trends that look set to impact the tech sector today, tomorrow and in the future.
Part of an extensive network of connections
Specialist recruiters have spent years building a network of relationships with industry employers, large and small. This means they have access to opportunities that aren’t being posted on job boards. They may also have access to the companies they work with exclusively, meaning you won’t find those roles elsewhere, or they can discover and suggest new roles to you that could be the perfect fit.
Expert negotiators
Negotiating a job offer with a potential employer can be daunting. But being a good negotiator is part of a recruiter’s job description. They can act as a middleman or a buffer between you and the employer, making it easier to navigate offers and counteroffers. They can also provide advice on how to ask for additional benefits, flexible working and more.
Able to guide you through the process
Recruiters can offer you guidance and advice on every aspect of the application and interview process. Most recruiters will know how best to structure your CV. A specialist construction supplies recruiter like GCS Associates will also be able to give more specific advice for different careers within the sector or help you understand how your skills can be transferable into other business areas.

A more efficient use of your time
We all know how stressful and time consuming a job hunt can be. Using a specialist recruiter is a much more efficient and effective use of your time. Rather than you spending hours trawling through job boards, employer websites and filling out application forms, a recruiter can do that work for you. Meaning you can spend more time focussing on important tasks like preparing for interviews or taking courses to improve your marketable skills.
Free to use
For candidates, working with a recruiter is fee-free! Recruiters are paid by employers when they fill positions, which gives them an incentive to make sure they are putting forward the best candidates for a role. Pro tip: when choosing a recruiter to work with, take some time to research them. The best recruiters have a proven track record of hiring in your industry and will take the time to learn about you, your passions, and your career goals.
GCS Associates can accelerate your job search and find you the perfect role.
At GCS, we care about making your whole career better, not just finding you your next role. Our consultants are experts in the Construction Supplies and can provide guidance and support so you can find your ideal role and reach your long-term career aspirations.
Be empowered with the latest digital tools. Get a comprehensive CV health check or benchmark your salary against industry standards so you always know what you’re worth.
Upload your CV now or search our latest vacancies.
For more information on GCS Associates candidate services.
e: enquiries@gcsassociates.com
t: 0161 660 2548